
From Alrik
Revision as of 11:15, 12 November 2024 by Hasran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "An encounter may occur in the dungeon or outdoors between two or more parties. The type of encounter depends on the specific circumstances of the adventure. Some encounters are peaceful, others quickly escalate into combat, and sometimes the situation is less compelling. The Game Master may use the following procedure for encounters: 1. Determine surprise (1d6) 2. Determine distance: Usually, the distance between the parties is 6d4 squares at the beginning of t...")
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An encounter may occur in the dungeon or outdoors between two or more parties. The type of encounter depends on the specific circumstances of the adventure. Some encounters are peaceful, others quickly escalate into combat, and sometimes the situation is less compelling. The Game Master may use the following procedure for encounters: 1. Determine surprise (1d6) 2. Determine distance: Usually, the distance between the parties is 6d4 squares at the beginning of the encounter. If one party is surprised, the result of the die that determined the surprise is subtracted from the number of squares of the distance rolled. 3. Determine the reactions of the parties (1d%)

Alrik, Nora, Bryn und Kassndra spazieren nachts zwischen den Hausbooten in Fix umher. Eine Gruppe angetrunkener halbstarker Gnome, verperrt ihnen den Weg und wollen versuchen Bryn zu überreden, ihnen seinen Wein zu überlassen. Alriks Gruppe, sogar Nora, ist überrascht: die Gruppe hat mit 1W6 eine 2 gewürfelt. Die Gnome sind nicht überrascht. Die Spielleitung bestimmt die Distanz also mit 6W4-2. Sie würfelt eine (17-2)=15. Die Gnome und die Abenteuergruppe sind zu Beginn der Begegnung also etwa 15 Außen-Felder (150 Yard/​135 Meter) voneinander entfernt.